
These Are The Largest Insects in the World

The world of bugs and insects is as magnificent as it is terrifying. When it comes to the small variants we’re usually okay in dealing with them, but most people prefer when the bigger bugs stay a safe distance away. And by safe distance, we mean “stay still in eyesight but give me enough room to start running if you move.” But since you clicked on this article, you’re probably someone that doesn’t mind the occasional creepy critter and you’re thrilled to join our ride through the wonderful world of big bugs.

This probably goes without saying, but some of these critters are not going to be for the faint of heart. You’ve been warned.

Goliath Beetle

If you ever run into one of these in the African rainforests, you’ll instantly find out why it’s named the way it is. The goliath beetle can grow to a size of 10 cm but they usually stick to their own thing and just eat tree sap and fruit all day. Sounds like a healthy diet!

Tarantula Hawk Wasp

While this wasp may not be as big as some of the other creatures on this list with a size of only 5 cm, it deserves a spot for being the biggest wasp and getting its name because it literally hunts and kills tarantulas. Also, this cute lady paralyzes its prey, pops a single egg in it and then lets the larva eat the victim.

Atlas Beetle

This 13 cm long subtype of rhinoceros beetle can be found in Indonesia and, like all rhino beetles, can be pretty fiesty and aggressive if you run into one. You can find the reason for its name in the fact that its mandibles look like they could hold up the sky, much like Atlas had to.

This big boy can measure up to 17 cm and might join you on a hike through the rainforests in South America. The mandibles look like they’d be capable to chop a finger off, so you may not want to pet it if you run into one. I’m not sure if these beetles eat fingers, but are we really willing to take our chances?

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